
New video series | Applications of SelectLine software in companies

SelectLine as Digitization Partner | New video series shows application areas of software in companies

In a digital world, companies are represented and supported by software processes. In this new video series, we show you how you can manage and manage the daily tasks with SelectLine as a digitization partner – from marketing and sales to production and warehousing to service and financial accounting.

Workflow mit Selectline - CRM Modul

In the SelectLine CRM module you plan your marketing campaign for the right clientele.

Workflow mit Selectline - Shopware Schnittstelle und Produktionssteuerung

Make your customers happy and process orders even faster. With the webshop connection and SelectLine production, you optimize your workflows in the company.

Workflow mit Selectline - MDE

With SelectLine MDE, the incoming and outgoing goods are consistently digitally recorded and synchronized with your ERP system.

Workflow mit Selectline - SelectLine Mobile

The SelectLine Mobile module gives SelectLine users access to evaluations, customer data and open documents. Regardless of your own PC, but just as secure as in your own office, you have important decision-making basics available in real time.

Workflow mit Selectline - SelectLine Rechnungswesen

Accounting or financial accounting is fully integrated with the other SelectLine programs and is one of the most important modules. All financial accounting data are evaluated, processed and stored here.

Learn more about the featured applications: