27. August 2018

ROMODO – Online-Shop Report

Online-Shop of the Month

We are proud to have developed this award-winning online store and are delighted for the Romodo team. In the Romodo online store you will find the latest living trends from a wide range of areas to beautify your home. This shows once again that using a SyShop is worthwhile and that style and functionality are not mutually exclusive. All item data, such as texts, images and prices, are maintained in the merchandise management system. When someone places an order in the store, an order is automatically created in the merchandise management system. Customers are recognized and new customers are created. If you would also like to have such a successful online store, please contact us.

Romodo Referenz Teil 1 Romodo Referenz Teil 2 Romodo Referenz Teil 3

* www.stilundmarkt.de