28. August 2018

Icon Reporting VDS Reporting

VDS Reporting creates a direct evaluation interface on the SelectLine merchandise management system

A COM interface is not required for this.

Tool for easy evaluation with a macro structure similar to SelectLine. With the possibility to evaluate other return fields, even with linked tables.

An output in CSV, XML and directly in Excel, with filters, is possible.

Executable without a COM connection. The queries go directly to the SelectLine databases.

Access is controlled by the logged in user of SelectLine.

Password management is used to decide which databases each user has access to.

There are different evaluation options:

Reporting Auswertungmoeglichkeiten

Example forecast evaluation:

Product requirements for the next few weeks from today (forecast in weeks from today) based on sales in the last few weeks (chosen weeks up to today). With filter options, such as article groups and suppliers.

Reporting Filter