19. October 2023

Icon Schnittstelle zu Shopify Interface to Shopify

*The SelectLine version must match the version of the interface to Shopify (23.1.X = 23.1.X)

The “barrier-free” connection from Shopify to SelectLine

The smooth data transfer of the interface between SelectLine and your Shopify store avoids errors and optimizes work processes.


  • With the “SelectLine Shopify connection” license, the API is already included in the license
  • Configuration / operation in the browser (web UI)
  • The APP runs as a service on the server
  • Maintain SEO metadata and images directly in SelectLine
  • The SelectLine price groups are used as the basis for the store prices
  • Live stock transfer from the SelectLine to your Shopify store
  • Platform-neutral configuration and operation in the browser (Windows, IOS, Android)
  • Processing data directly from the SelectLine
  • Maintain article groups from the SelectLine
  • Multiple assignment of article groups to articles
  • Importing orders from the Shopify store into SelectLine

In SelectLine you can view all your master data at a glance. Furthermore, no double data maintenance is necessary for your store. You enter your master data in SelectLine and the interface automatically transfers it to your Shopify store.

Sachmerkmale der Selectline
Sachmerkmale in Shopify

Manual or automated processes

With the SelectLine Shopify interface, you can exchange data manually at the touch of a button or automatically on the server. Delivery status, master data, order data and inventory data are transferred to your Shopify shop. The interface uses the SelectLine Rest API for the connection and the existing data from SelectLine as the database.

Zeitsteuerung der Importe und Exporte