24. November 2021

The most important information on the new features in version 21 (DE)

Version 21.3

The most important information about the new features in version 21.3 as easy-to-understand video tutorials.

Video overview

New features in merchandise management

Form editor – placeholders better distinguishable

To make it easier for you to edit and create forms, the different placeholders can now be distinguished by their colors. The optimized display of placeholder boundaries ( [abc] ) also makes it easy for you to identify the start and end of a placeholder. The line numbering on the left-hand side of the placeholder input areas makes it easy to find empty lines.

PC cash register and touch cash register

The cash register has also been given some new functions. We have compiled the highlights for you here:

  • The payment of invoices via the PC cash registers now also takes discount information into account. If you grant a discount in an invoice, the deduction is made automatically when the invoice is paid via the PC cash register within the discount period.
  • Cash drawers can now also be controlled directly via the printer.
  • Existing items may now also be corrected by a customer change. This means that special customer prices or discounts can also affect existing items.
New features in merchandise management
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New features in accounting

Data update wizard

A completely revised wizard guides you through the process of updating master data and provides a precise insight into which data is added, updated or replaced. Data records can now also be individually selected and excluded from the update. Extensive logs provide a detailed insight into all adjustments made.

Cash discount and reminder fees

The cash discount amount is always shown as a separate open item if open items less cash discount are paid via dialog posting, the bank assistant or the open item management. This results in a clear differentiation between the payment and cash discount amount across all evaluations. If payment is not made within the agreed payment terms, dunning documents can now be posted directly as receivables. The resulting open items are combined with the original open item of the invoice.

News in accounting
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New features in production/BDE

Innovations in production and BDE
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New features Mobile

Enter receipts directly

With SelectLine Mobile, you can now choose whether to enter receipts directly, creating a live receipt in merchandise management, or to enter receipts in Mobile first, then send them to the transfer interface for processing, making them available in merchandise management only after they are imported.

features for SL Mobile
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New features MDE

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Changes MDE
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