Upload SelectLine single articles as variants in Shopware
Assemble variants quickly and easily using drag and drop.
In this video you will learn how easily and quickly you can put together variants from individual SelectLine for Shopware articles. The variants can be put together simply by drag ‘n’ drop. You can find more information about the webshop connection at https://www.selectline.de/erp-software/shopware-anbindung/ and in this knowledge database: http://hilfe.maniacdev.de/
Einzelartikel schnell und einfach als Varianten in Shopware hochladen | Schnittstelle zu #Shopware
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Free text fields
Connect the free text fields of the SelectLine with the free text fields of the store.
You can find more information about the webshop connection at https://www.selectline.de/erp-software/shopware-anbindung/ and in this knowledge database: https://hilfe.maniacdev.de/
Freie Textfelder in Webshop-Anbindung | Schnittstelle zu #Shopware | #OnlineShop
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Additional module variants
A short demonstration of how to load variants into the webshop with the additional module.
In this knowledge database: https://hilfe.maniacdev.de/ and at https://www.selectline.de/erp-software/shopware-anbindung/ you will find further information on the webshop connection
Webshop-Anbindung Zusatzmodul Varianten | Schnittstelle zu #Shopware | #OnlineShop
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Execute LiveUpdates
A tutorial on how to perform live updates of the interface to Shopware.
Performing live updates in the Shopware interface to SelectLine
LiveUpdates in der Shopware-Schnittstelle zur SelectLine ausführen
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Upload from customers
A brief overview of how to upload customers from the SelectLine to the Shopware store.
Upload customers directly from SelectLine to Shopware
Kunden direkt aus der SelectLine in den Shopware hochladen
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Determine and upload SelectLine order status
A brief overview of how the order statuses Ordered / Delivered are determined and how to upload them to the Shopware store.
Determining the order statuses in SelectLine and uploading them to Shopware
SelectLine Auftragsstati ermitteln und zum Shopware hochladen
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Central image directory
A brief overview of how to automatically assign images to the Shopware store via the central image path.
Images can be automatically assigned and uploaded to Shopware via the central image path.
SelectLine Auftragsstati ermitteln und zum Shopware hochladen
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Webshop – Create, move and sort categories
A short and simple explanation of how categories are created, moved and sorted in the webshop.
Create, move and sort webshop categories very easily in the SelectLine webshop interface for uploading to Shopware.
Shopware Webshopkategorien in der SelectLine Schnittstelle anlegen, verschieben und sortieren
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Upload SelectLine article texts and foreign languages to Shopware
An explanation of how article texts and foreign languages are uploaded to Shopware.
Easily transfer texts and translations from SelectLine and upload them to Shopware using the Shopware interface.
SelectLine Artikeltexte und Fremdsprachen zu Shopware hochladen
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Upload SelectLine stock levels
An explanation of how SelectLine stock levels are uploaded to Shopware.
Simple and flexible uploading of stock levels from SelectLine to Shopware using the Shopware interface.
SelectLine Lagerbestände zu Shopware hochladen – maniacSeller Webshopschnittstelle
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Upload SelectLine prices to Shopware
An explanation of how SelectLine prices are uploaded to Shopware.
Determine prices in SelectLine and upload them to Shopware using the Shopware interface. In this video I give an overview of the price determination in SelectLine and the upload to Shopware. We cover the normal prices from price groups, graduated prices and the promotional prices of SelectLine merchandise management and the effects on the prices in Shopware. The maniacSeller webshop interface perfectly connects a merchandise management system with the Shopware webshop. The store interface also offers a connection to various online marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. maniacSeller provides professional support for online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and the merchandise management system contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system assists with setup and daily work. https://hilfe.maniacdev.de Personal support is very important to us and so there is always a “maniac” on hand to answer any questions. By using the modern and standardized Shopware API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security. #SelectLine #Shopware #interface #webshop #webshopinterface #maniacSeller #maniac developer #shop interface #shop interface #webshop interface #wawi #erp interface #onlineshop #online-shop #shop #interface amazon store #shop interface ebay #shop interface shopware #shop interface Sage 100 #shop interface SelectLine merchandise management #shop interface #merchandise management #webshop interface SelectLine
SelectLine Preise zu Shopware hochladen – maniacSeller Webshopschnittstelle
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Presentation of the maniacSeller
A brief introduction to maniacSeller.
In this video we briefly introduce maniacSeller, THE interface from Shopware to SelectLine. The maniacSeller webshop interface connects the merchandise management system perfectly with the Shopware webshop. The store interface also offers a connection to various online marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. maniacSeller provides professional support for online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and the merchandise management system contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system assists with the setup and daily work. https://hilfe.maniacdev.de Personal support is very important to us and so you will always find a “maniac” who can answer all your questions. By using the modern and standardized Shopware API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security.
Shopware Schnittstelle zur SelectLine – Der maniacSeller stellt sich vor
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Assign surcharges, discounts and vouchers
A brief explanation of how surcharges, discounts, vouchers, payment methods and shipping conditions are assigned in maniacSeller.
In this video I give an overview of how easy it is to assign the various surcharges, discounts and vouchers as well as payment methods and shipping conditions in maniacSeller. The maniacSeller webshop interface connects your merchandise management system perfectly with the Shopware webshop. The store interface also offers a connection to various online marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. maniacSeller provides professional support for online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and the merchandise management system contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system assists with the setup and daily work. https://hilfe.maniacdev.de Personal support is very important to us and so you will always find a “maniac” who can answer all your questions. By using the modern and standardized Shopware API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security.
Shopware-Schnittstelle zur SelectLine: Zuschläge, Rabatte und Gutscheine zuweisen
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Create and upload categories in the webshop
A brief explanation of how to create and upload webshop categories.
In this video I give an overview of how easy it is to create the webshop categories for uploading to Shopware in maniacSeller. The maniacSeller webshop interface perfectly connects your SelectLine merchandise management system with the Shopware webshop. The store interface also offers a connection to various online marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. The maniacSeller professionally supports online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and the merchandise management system contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system assists with the setup and daily work. https://hilfe.maniacdev.de Personal support is very important to us and so you will always find a “maniac” who can answer all your questions. By using the modern and standardized Shopware API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security.
Kategorien für Shopware, SelectLine und Shopware erstellen und hochladen
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Assign images and media to webshop articles
A brief explanation of how to assign images and media to webshop items.
In this video, I give an overview of how easy it is to assign images and media to webshop items for uploading to the shopware in maniacSeller. The store interface also offers a connection to various online marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. Further information on images and media in maniacSeller, the interface between merchandise management and Shopware: https://hilfe.maniacdev.de/wissensdatenbank/bildschirm-bilder/ maniacSeller provides professional support for online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and merchandise management contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system provides support during setup and daily work. Personal support is very important to us and so you will always find a “maniac” who can answer all your questions. By using the modern and standardized Shopware API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security.
Bilder und PDFs den Webshopartikeln in der Shopwareschnittstelle zur Warenwirtschaft zuweisen
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Connect Shopware customer groups & price lists with SelectLine merchandise management
A brief explanation of how to connect the Shopware customer groups and the SelectLine merchandise management price lists.
In this video I give an overview of the connection between store customer groups and price lists in merchandise management. The webshop interface maniacSeller connects the SelectLine merchandise management system perfectly with the Shopware webshop. The store interface also offers a connection to various online marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. Further information on prices and customer groups in maniacSeller, the interface between SelectLine and Shopware: https://hilfe.maniacdev.de/wissensdatenbank/bildschirm-preise/ maniacSeller provides professional support for online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and merchandise management contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system provides support during setup and daily work. Personal support is very important to us and so you will always find a “maniac” who can answer all your questions. By using the modern and standardized Shopware API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security.
Shopware Kundengruppen & Preislisten der SelectLine Warenwirtschaft verbinden
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The installation wizard
A guided tour through the easy setup wizard of the maniacSeller.
In this video I guide you through the easy setup wizard of maniacSeller, the interface between SelectLine and Shopware. We go through all the steps and get to know the special features of the individual configuration steps. “” https://maniacdev.de ‘’ maniacSeller knowledge database: https://hilfe.maniacdev.de The maniacSeller webshop interface perfectly connects the SelectLine merchandise management system with the Shopware webshop. The store interface also offers a connection to various online marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. Further information on the setup wizard between Shopware and SelectLine merchandise management: https://hilfe.maniacdev.de/wissensdatenbank/001-allgemeines-zum-einrichtungs-assistenten/ Preparations in the Shopware store interface “” https://hilfe.maniacdev.de/wissensdatenbank/shopware-api-daten-anlegen/ SL.mobile interface for the webshop interface “” https://hilfe.maniacdev.de/wissensdatenbank/sl-mobile-fuer-maniacseller-installieren-und-konfigurieren/ “” https://hilfe.maniacdev.de/wissensdatenbank/wo-kann-ich-die-sl-mobile-zugangsdaten-ablesen/ maniacSeller provides professional support for online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and the merchandise management system contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system assists with setup and day-to-day work. Personal support is very important to us and so you will always find a “maniac” who can answer all your questions. By using the modern and standardized Shopware API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security.
Der easy-Setup Assistent für die Shopschnittstelle von SelectLine zu Shopware
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Installing and configuring SelectLine Mobile for the maniacSeller
An explanation of how to install and configure SelectLine Mobile for the maniacSeller.
In this video we show you how to install and configure SL.mobile for maniacSeller, the SelectLine webshop interface to Shopware. The maniacSeller shopware interface perfectly connects the SelectLine merchandise management system with the Shopware store. The webshop interface also offers a connection to marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. Further information Installation of the interface between Shopware and SelectLine merchandise management: https://hilfe.maniacdev.de/wissensdatenbank/sl-mobile-fuer-maniacseller-installieren-und-konfigurieren/ maniacSeller provides professional support for online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and the merchandise management system contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system provides support during setup and daily work. Personal support is very important to us and so you will always find a “maniac” who can answer all your questions. By using the modern SL.mobile API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security.
SelectLine API für die Webshopschnittstelle SelectLine zu Shopware installieren und konfigurieren
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Create API user in Shopware
An explanation of how to create the API user required for maniacSeller.
In this video, we create the API user in Shopware together, which you must store in the configuration of maniacSeller, the interface between SelectLine and Shopware. The maniacSeller webshop interface perfectly connects the SelectLine merchandise management system with the Shopware webshop. The store interface also offers a connection to marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. Further information Installation of the interface between Shopware and SelectLine merchandise management: maniacSeller provides professional support for online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and the merchandise management system contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system provides support during setup and daily work. Personal support is very important to us and so you will always find a “maniac” who can answer all your questions. By using the modern and standardized Shopware API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security.
Wo kann ich die Shopware API-Benutzerdaten für die Webshopschnittstelle zu Shopware einrichten?
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Upload SelectLine variants to the Shopware store
A simple explanation of how SelectLine variants are uploaded to Shopware.
Simply upload SelectLine variants to Shopware In this video, I show you how easily and quickly you can upload SelectLine variants to Shopware. The variants are read out with all the information from the SSelectLine and can be uploaded to Shopware very quickly. The maniacSeller webshop interface perfectly connects a merchandise management system with the Shopware webshop. The store interface also offers a connection to various online marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. maniacSeller provides professional support for online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and the merchandise management system contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system assists with setup and daily work. https://hilfe.maniacdev.de Personal support is very important to us and so there is always a “maniac” on hand to answer any questions. By using the modern and standardized Shopware API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security.
SelectLine Varianten einfach in den Shopware hochladen
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Upload free text fields from SelectLine merchandise management to Shopware
A simple explanation of how to upload free text fields from the SelectLine merchandise management system to Shopware.
free text fields from the SelectLine merchandise management system to Shopware. This allows you to flexibly upload your own data to Shopware and display it to visitors or use it for special functionalities. The maniacSeller webshop interface perfectly connects a merchandise management system with the Shopware webshop. The store interface also offers a connection to various online marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. maniacSeller provides professional support for online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and the merchandise management system contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system assists with setup and daily work. https://hilfe.maniacdev.de Personal support is very important to us and so there is always a “maniac” on hand to answer any questions. By using the modern and standardized Shopware API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security.
Freitextfelder aus der SelectLine Warenwirtschaft zu Shopware hochladen
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Error correction using the log file
An explanation of how to use the log file for quick error correction.
In this video, I show you how easy it is to identify and fix effects in the Shopware interface. Using the example of a category deleted in Shopware to which articles are still assigned in the interface. The maniacSeller webshop interface perfectly connects a merchandise management system with the Shopware webshop. The store interface also offers a connection to various online marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon and many more. maniacSeller provides professional support for online trading and is very easy to set up and operate. Our interface between Shopware and the merchandise management system contains many unique functions that make everyday online life much easier. The very simple and intuitive drag ‘n’ drop editing creates more time for customers and more revenue. An extensive online help system assists with setup and daily work. https://hilfe.maniacdev.de Personal support is very important to us and so there is always a “maniac” on hand to answer any questions. By using the modern and standardized Shopware API, maniacSeller achieves a very high level of update security. Image credits: Initial image designed by Freepik
Das Logfile zur schnellen Fehlerkorrektur verwenden in der Shopware Schnittstelle zur SelectLine
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