9. November 2020

Icon shopanbindung SelectLine interface for Shopware – Video Tutorials (DE)

The most important information about the SelectLine interface to Shopware as easy-to-understand video tutorials.

Overview of videos

Upload SelectLine single articles as variants in Shopware

Assemble variants quickly and easily using drag and drop.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail SelectLine Einzelartikel als Varianten in Shopware hochladen
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Free text fields

Connect the free text fields of the SelectLine with the free text fields of the store.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Freie Textfelder
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Additional module variants

A short demonstration of how to load variants into the webshop with the additional module.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Zusatzmodul Varianten
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Execute LiveUpdates

A tutorial on how to perform live updates of the interface to Shopware.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail LiveUpdates ausführen
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Upload from customers

A brief overview of how to upload customers from the SelectLine to the Shopware store.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Upload von Kunden
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Determine and upload SelectLine order status

A brief overview of how the order statuses Ordered / Delivered are determined and how to upload them to the Shopware store.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail SelectLine Auftragsstati ermitteln und hochladen
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Central image directory

A brief overview of how to automatically assign images to the Shopware store via the central image path.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Zentrales Bildverzeichnis
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Webshop – Create, move and sort categories

A short and simple explanation of how categories are created, moved and sorted in the webshop.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Im Webshop Kategorien anlegen, verschieben und sortieren
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Upload SelectLine article texts and foreign languages to Shopware

An explanation of how article texts and foreign languages are uploaded to Shopware.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail SelectLine Artikeltexte und Fremdsprachen zu Shopware hochladen
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Upload SelectLine stock levels

An explanation of how SelectLine stock levels are uploaded to Shopware.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail SelectLine Lagerbestände hochladen
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Upload SelectLine prices to Shopware

An explanation of how SelectLine prices are uploaded to Shopware.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail SelectLine Preise zu Shopware hochladen
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Presentation of the maniacSeller

A brief introduction to maniacSeller.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Vorstellung des maniacSeller
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Assign surcharges, discounts and vouchers

A brief explanation of how surcharges, discounts, vouchers, payment methods and shipping conditions are assigned in maniacSeller.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Zuschläge, Rabatte und Gutscheine zuweisen
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Create and upload categories in the webshop

A brief explanation of how to create and upload webshop categories.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Im Webshop Kategorien erstellen und hochladen
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Assign images and media to webshop articles

A brief explanation of how to assign images and media to webshop items.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Webshopartikeln Bilder und Medien zuweisen
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Connect Shopware customer groups & price lists with SelectLine merchandise management

A brief explanation of how to connect the Shopware customer groups and the SelectLine merchandise management price lists.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Shopware Kundengruppen & Preislisten der SelectLine Warenwirtschaft verbinden
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The installation wizard

A guided tour through the easy setup wizard of the maniacSeller.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Der Installationsassistent
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Installing and configuring SelectLine Mobile for the maniacSeller

An explanation of how to install and configure SelectLine Mobile for the maniacSeller.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail SelectLine Mobile für den maniacSeller installieren und konfigurieren
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Create API user in Shopware

An explanation of how to create the API user required for maniacSeller.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Anlegen des API-Benutzers in Shopware
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Upload SelectLine variants to the Shopware store

A simple explanation of how SelectLine variants are uploaded to Shopware.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail SelectLine Varianten in den Shopware Shop hochladen
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Upload free text fields from SelectLine merchandise management to Shopware

A simple explanation of how to upload free text fields from the SelectLine merchandise management system to Shopware.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Freitextfelder aus der SelectLine Warenwirtschaft in den Shopware hochladen
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Error correction using the log file

An explanation of how to use the log file for quick error correction.

YouTube Tutorial Thumbnail Fehlerkorrektur mithilfe des Logfile
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